Those last week's of summer term always seem to fly by in a daze of sports days, school fetes, end of term parties and class exhibitions of the year's work all whilst I desperately tie up the last financial year's shop paperwork for the accountant, make sure all of this year's is up to date so I don't panic over the holidays AND get my own tax return sorted.
But it's done and now the summer holidays have begun!
We have day trips to plan and a short seaside break in the camper to look forward to. Riley has discovered his reading mojo so regular trips to our local library will be essential and our very local (just 10 mins walk away ) independent cinema has the most amazing ticket prices which means weekly movie trips are possible, even on our very limited budget! I also have some home projects to work on like finishing the kitchen re-paint and tackling more of the garden jungle...
But what about knitting? Well to be honest it's been too hot for much knitting the last couple of weeks, (although, typically, now the summer hols have started the cooler weather is back!) and constant interruptions of the small boy variety means anything too complicated is out so I have decided to dedicate this summer to home knitting and crochet projects - simple, easy to pick up and put down at a moment's notice; portable, so I can work on them in the park whilst Riley plays and mostly using cotton yarns which are cool to handle and don't make my hands sweat!

New dish cloths and wash cloths for starters, knitted and crocheted in Drops ❤s You 5 - an aran weight recycled cotton yarn. (I've made a start with the Happy Face Cloths from the wonderful book Crochet Therapy I reviewed here). I may even knit a tea towel or two! This yarn is perfect for placemats and coasters too as it's washable, hard wearing and comes in lots of pretty colours, so I may add some simple linen stitch table accessories to my summer making list...
I have crochet summer bedspread to work on in beautiful jewel colours of Drops Safran cotton yarn.
Then there is the cat bed I started a while back hooked up from strips of fabric using a 10mm hook. I have used all the fabric I prepared and really need to hunt through my stash for some more. Or scour the charity shops for old bed sheets which are perfect for recycling in this way!
I know the next six weeks will fly by and it will be back to school time before we know it. Riley is getting older and it won't be long before summer hols won't be about day trips with Mummy any more but hanging out with his mates so I feel the need to make the most of our time together while I can! Making memories is my priority this summer.
Making things can wait until the nights draw in again...